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Anne Susan Zachariah

Media, Society and Literacies

Research areas: – Interactive cinema, Virtual Reality cinema, interactive documentaries, Virtual Reality-assisted cognitive therapy, Virtual Reality-assisted physio therapy
Susan is from Mumbai, India and is a Ph.D student in Media Arts and Communication at Lusofona University (Lisbon). She completed a Bachelors’ degree in Physics and a Masters’ Degree in Indian Philosophy from Madras University, Chennai, India before moving to Des Moines, Iowa, USA to pursue a Masters’ program in Journalism and Mass Communication at Drake University. After an extended internship program at Iowa Public television she returned to India to work in advertising, documentary filmmaking and other aspects of video post-production. She has extensive experience in various post-production software and technology, and besides working as a video editor, is also a certified instructor in various editing software and teaches courses in editing and post- production. She has a keen interest in new technology and is currently pursuing a doctoral program where her research area is the intersection of interactive cinema and Virtual reality cinema.