FEMglocal: Recent Publications Highlighting Feminist Movements and Activism

The FEMglocal project (Glocal feminist movements: interactions and contradictions), funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), has recently contributed to multiple academic and public discussions through notable publications. These works reflect FEMglocal’s commitment to exploring feminist movements from local and global perspectives.
- Book Chapter on Masculinities in the #MeToo Era
The chapter “(De)constructing Masculinities in Newsmagazines in the #MeToo Era” analyzes how Portuguese mainstream media addresses masculinity in the #MeToo movement, identifying limited engagement with deconstructing patriarchal norms. Published in Renegotiating Masculinities in European Digital Spheres (Routledge). Read more. - Chapter on Art, Science, and Activism
In Cultures, Activisms, and Cultural Changes, FEMglocal researchers explore the convergence of art, activism, and science as tools for feminist dissemination, drawing on outputs like the Feminisms in Action podcast. Available in Portuguese and English. Access here. - Article on the 8th of March Network
Isabel Babo’s article in the Women’s Studies International Forum examines the visibility strategies of the 8th of March Network, analyzing its manifestos and the relationship between visibility and recognition in feminist activism. Read more. - Chapter on Feminist Action Repertoires
Co-PI Célia Taborda authored a chapter on the evolution of feminist collective action strategies, published in Operárias, Povo, Cidadania, exploring how movements adapt traditional and digital activism methods. More info here. - FEMglocal Featured in Gerador
An article by journalist Flávia Brito highlights FEMglocal’s achievements, such as the History of Feminist Activisms in Portugal booklet and the Feminisms in Action podcast. Read more.
These contributions showcase FEMglocal’s dedication to advancing feminist research and engaging broader audiences in critical discussions on gender, activism, and sociopolitical change.