Conheça nossa equipa: Célia Quico

Célia Quico currently participates in following research projects: “FilmEU” (101004047, EPP-EUR-UNIV-202), “YouNDigital: Youth, News and Digital Citizenship” (PTDC/COM-OUT/0243/2021) and “Curiositas: Peeping Before Virtual Reality” (PTDC/COM-OUT/4851/2021). Recent finished projects include “Nazaré Imersiva” (CICANT/ILIND/2019), in which she was Principal Investigator (PI).
Before, Celia joined the teams of the projects “LusófonAtiva” (ILIND/2020), MuSEAum (LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-029755), “ReThink – Before Act: Alternative Narratives to Violent Extremism” (EU-ISFP, 2018-2020), “MigratED – Migrations and human rights enhanced through technology in Education” (Erasmus +, 2018-2020), “ResponSEAble – Supporting the development of cost-effective ocean literacy in Europe” (H2020, 2015-2018), “In_Nova MusEUm – Museums comes back to the locals through art and food (2016-2018), funded by EU. Also, she coordinated and co-authored the research project “ADOPT_DTV: Barriers to digital television adoption in the context of the digital switchover”, and iDTV-SAÚDE: iDTV-HEALTH: “Inclusive services to promote health and well-being via interactive digital television”, both financed by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT).
Before, Celia joined the teams of the international projects “ReThink – Before Act: Alternative Narratives to Violent Extremism” (EU-ISFP, 2018-2020), “MigratED – Migrations and human rights enhanced through technology in Education” (Erasmus +, 2018-2020), “ResponSEAble – Supporting the development of cost-effective ocean literacy in Europe” (H2020, 2015-2018), “In_Nova MusEUm – Museums comes back to the locals through art and food (2016-2018), funded by EU. Also, she coordinated and co-authored the research project “ADOPT_DTV: Barriers to digital television adoption in the context of the digital switchover”, and iDTV-SAÚDE: iDTV-HEALTH: “Inclusive services to promote health and well-being via interactive digital television”, both financed by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT).
In 2008, Celia Quico obtained her PhD in Communication Sciences, in the area of Interactive and Audiovisual Media, by Universidade Nova de Lisboa, with a thesis about young people and their usage of media and information and communication technologies in the current media convergence context in Portugal.
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