MeDeMAP Research Showcased at Conferences in Spain and Portugal

The MeDeMAP project was presented at the Media and Governance Congress in Latin America, Spain, and Portugal, held at Universitat de València, Spain. Organized in collaboration with the R&D project “News puzzlement” from the University of Bristol, UK, the event addressed the theme “El reto de un periodismo de calidad en tiempos de precariedad y desorden informativo”. Nuno Cintra Torres represented Lusófona University with the presentation “News media facing the gatekeepers: Regulation, sustainability, pluralism, effectiveness, citizenship”.
Shortly after, MeDeMAP research was showcased at the RIPE@PSM conference in Lisbon, hosted by RTP and organized by Nova University, Porto, and Santiago of Compostela University. Tatiana Chervyakova presented “Public Service Media: an enduring beacon of trust and participatory democracy?”.
Nuno Cintra Torres, Tatiana Chervyakova, and Manuel José Damásio co-authored both presentations. The RIPE paper will be published in a scientific journal, demonstrating MeDeMAP’s contributions to media governance and public service media.