Media Literacy Debate Features on RTP’s Sociedade Civil

On February 24, RTP’s Sociedade Civil aired a debate on media literacy featuring experts from academia, journalism, and communication. Maria José Brites, coordinator of MeLCi Lab and Principal Investigator of the YouNDigital project, joined the discussion alongside Sofia Branco (Associação Literacia para os Media e Jornalismo), Paulo Rebelo Gonçalves (Communication Consultant), Miguel Crespo (CENJOR), Vítor Tomé (Autonomous University of Lisbon), and Bárbara Simões (Público na Escola).
During the debate, Maria José Brites highlighted key findings from YouNDigital’s research on youth engagement with news and their understanding of algorithms and artificial intelligence. She also highlighted the challenges and opportunities in fostering critical media literacy among youth aged 15 to 24.
📺 Watch the entire debate on RTP Play’s official website.