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MeLCi Lab apresenta comunicações na ECREA 2022

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Investigadores associados ao MeLCi Lab participaram, entre os dias 19 e 22 de outubro, do 9th European Communication Conference (ECC), organizado pela ECREA (European Communication Research and Education Association), a School of Communication and Culture da AARHUS University, e o DMJX (Danish School of Media and Journalism). O evento realizou-se na Universidade de Aarhus, Dinamarca.

Com o tema “Retink Impact”, a conferência refletiu acerca dos impactos na sociedade de iniciativas de investigação, educação acadêmica e treinamento.

Foram apresentadas as seguintes comunicações:

Brites, M. J. & Castro, T. S. (2022). News lifestyles in the context of the digital society: the case of young peoples news options, presented in the Mediatization section: Mediatized Lifestyles, 21st October 2022, ECREA, 9th European Communication Research Conference, Aarhus, Dinamarca.

Castro, T. S. (2022). Impact for whom? Drivers for innovating in research on children, youth and media, presented in the section of Children of Youth and Media: Media research, impact and youth, 22nd October 2022, ECREA, 9th European Communication Research Conference, Aarhus, Dinamarca.

Ventura, Bruno Jorge. (2022). The Radio of Migrant People – The Telepresence of Radio in the Community Integration, presented in the section of Diaspora, Migration and the Media, 22nd October 2022, ECREA, 9th European Communication Research Conference, Aarhus, Denmark.

Quico, C. (2022). LusófonAtiva: lessons learned from a co-created communication campaign to promote active and healthy lifestyles among university students, faculty and staff, presented in the section of Communication and Health, 22nd October 2022, ECREA, 9th European Communication Research Conference, Aarhus, Denmark.