MeLCi Lab Research Members Presenting at ECREA 2024

As we gear up for the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) 2024 conference, we are thrilled to see a massive turnout of the lab’s research members presenting their latest studies. Maria José Brites will be presenting “Perspectives on How Young Audiences See and Handle Algorithms”, co-authored by other members of the lab and the YouNDigital Project, Teresa Castro, Mariana Scalabrin Müller, and Margarida Maneta. Margarida Maneta will also present “Still Relevant but Not as Much? The Role of Television in the Media Consumption of Young People in Portugal”. Teresa Castro presents “The Signs of Times: Playing Life on TikTok?”. Mariana Scalabrin Müller will present the study “Young People and Algorithms: Profiles of Learning Contexts and Concerns about Diversity from a Digital Culture Perspective”. In the Journalism Safety Session, Lucia Meyousquita will present “Collaborative Journalism and Cross-border Collaborations for News Safety: Navigating Security and Solidarity Mechanisms in Cooperative Practices in Latin American News Media”. Tatiana Chervyakova will present “Media supply side analysis to enhance participatory democracy: The case of the Portuguese market”. And Catia Casimiro will present “What matters in accessible communication for people with neurodiversity?: A systematic review”.
Carla Sousa presents in the session “Diverse Diversity: Perspectives on Inclusion and Identity” her work on “Enhancing the Cognitive Accessibility of Information in Research: Insights from Intellectual Disability Studies”. Ana Oliveira will present “Darker Shades of Play: The Prevalence of Dark Patterns in Early Childhood Mobile Digital Games” and “Journalism and young audiences in a hyper-digitalized and polarized society”. Ana Sofia Pereira will present her study on “Moving Image, Static Knowledge: Navigating the Interplay of Cinema, Science, and Portuguese Feminism”. Carla Cerqueira presents her study “The #MeToo Movement and Masculinities in Portuguese Newsmagazines”. Daniel Cardoso will present “Glocal, Physical, Digital and Beyond: Visualizing (Historical) Feminisms in Portugal”. And Ana Jorge will present “Sharenting a Child with Down Syndrome: Between Advocacy and Commodification on Instagram”. Sofia Caldeira will present “’I practically only see Stories:’Exploring emerging uses of Instagram Stories for everyday feminisms”. Célia Taborda Silva presents her study on “Understanding Portuguese feminism(s)”. Sónia Lamy will present “Framing feminisms in Portugal: When violence against women is the main topic of the news coverage”.
Our members will also chair sessions: Daniel Cardoso will be charing the “Thinking, researching and doing – Glocal approaches to contemporary feminisms” session (Gender, Sexuality and Communication Section); Teresa Castro will chair “Media, mediation and families II” (Children, Youth and Media Section); Carla Cerqueira will chair the session “Thinking, researching and doing – Glocal approaches to contemporary feminisms” (Gender, Sexuality and Communication Section); Ana Jorge will chair “Influencer, who? Heterogeneity in content creator culture” (Digital Culture and Communication); Margarida Maneta will chair “(Digital) media, (in)visibilities and minorities” (Children, Youth and Media Section); and Ana Oliveira will chair two sessions, “Social media and youth I” and “Adolescents and risky online behaviour” (Children, Youth and Media Section).
We look forward to the insightful discussions these presentations will spark at ECREA 2024! Stay tuned for more updates and reflections from the conference.