School Radios – How to Improve Our Radio?

To celebrate World Radio Day, the Direção-Geral da Educação (DGE) and CICANT, through YouNDigital, invite students and teachers to the webinar “School Radios – How to Improve Our Radio?” on February 13, 10:00–11:00 AM (Lisbon time).
📌 Speakers:
- Maria José Brites (YouNDigital & CICANT) – The Role of School Radios
- Vitor Diegues (AE de Vale do Tamel) – Radios & Multiple Literacies
- Isabel Reis (RTP Ombudsperson) – Audience Insights
- Sandy Gageiro (RTP Journalist) – Best Practices
- Moderation: Susana Tavares (DGE)
Open to students and teachers from radio, podcast, and media clubs, as well as those interested in starting one.