Equipa MeLCi Lab publica diversos artigos
Ana F. Oliveira, Maria José Brites, and Carla Cerqueira published the article “Intergenerational Perspectives on Media and Fake News During Covid-19: Results From Online Intergenerational Focus Groups” in Media & Communication Journal.
Carla Cerqueira co-authored the article “Ideologia de gênero’ como instrumento político nos jornais do Brasil e de Portugal” in Revista Estudos Feministas.
Carla Cerqueira co-authored the article “Ser empreendedora em Portugal: Perspetiva de mulheres brasileiras” in Cadernos de Gestão e Empreendedorismo”.
Carla Cerqueira co-authored the article “Gender, class, and ethnicity: Perspectives of White Portuguese and Black African women on labor dynamics in the cleaning sector” in the Social Sciences journal.
Rita Grácio, with António Carvalho (CES-UC), published the article “The Dark Side of Mindfulness: Workplace Socialization, Neoliberalism and the Self”, at Communication and Language at Work (CLaW).