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Exploring Gender Representation in the Portuguese Google PlayStore – New Publication by MeLCi Lab Member Sofia Caldeira

Sofia Caldeira

We are pleased to highlight the recent publication The Storefront of Gender in the Portuguese Google PlayStore, co-authored by MeLCi Lab researcher Sofia P. Caldeira alongside Ana Marta M. Flores and Elena Pilipets. This chapter, published in Young Adulthood Across Digital Platforms (Emerald Publishing), examines how gender is represented in Android app offerings in Portugal’s Google PlayStore.

Using an exploratory digital methods approach, the study analysed app icons, descriptions, and recommendations for terms like “woman”, “man”, “agender”, “transgender”, and “non-binary”. The findings reveal how the app market reinforces or challenges hegemonic gender norms through visual and textual cues, colour palettes, and user experiences.

For more details, visit the publisher’s website.