Carla Sousa
Media Society and Literacies
Carla Sousa has a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology, a Master’s Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology, and a Post-graduate degree in Applied Neuropsychology from Lusófona University. PhD student in Communication Sciences in the same university, she is also part of the Centre for Research in Applied Communication, Culture, and New Technologies (CICANT) and is an invited assistant professor in the Bachelor’s Degrees in Videogames, Computer Engineering, and Psychology. Carla published several papers as an author and co-author in peer-reviewed journals and has done communications in national and international conferences in the field of communication, media, social inclusion, and games. She was part of several national and international funded projects such has “Co-create assistive games for people with Intellectual Disability – ID Games”(2019-1-EL01-KA204-062517), “Game-Based Learning for Deaf Students – GBL4deaf” (LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-032022), “Media Literacy for Living Together – MILT” (LC-OO865164-MILT), “Jogos Digitais para a Literacia Mediática e Informacional – GamiLearning” (UTAP-ICDT/IVC-ESCT/0020/2014) and “Eco for Life – ECFOLI” (2014-2-CY02-KA205-000406). Currently, she is the principal investigator for Lusófona University in two projects funded in the scope of Erasmus + Program, “Youth for Youth” (2020-2-HU01-KA205-079126) and “Training the Educators to Facilitate the Teaching and Assessment of Abstract Syllabus by the Use of Serious Games – TEGA” (2020-1-UK01-KA203-079248). Carla has also been involved in the organization of scientific events and in referee activities and is a member of the COST Action (CA 19104) – advancing Social inclusion through Technology and EmPowerment (a-Step).