Célia Quico
Media Society and Literacies
Professor and researcher at Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias since 2009, Celia Quico currently participates in following research projects: LusofonAtiva (ULHT, 2021-2022), SMaRT-EU (EC, 2020-2021), Paisagens Marítimas de Portugal e Media imersivos: Nazaré Imersiva (ULHT-CICANT, 2020-2021), – MuSEAum “Branding de ‘Museus de Mar’ de Portugal” (FCT-P2020, 2018-2020).
In particular, Celia Quico has been working on issues such as disinformation and alternative narrative to extremisms, by coordinating the production of 27 short-videos for 7 social media campaigns, in the realm of the ReThink project, as well as on the promotion of global citizenship education by working with students in the production of participatory videos, in the realm of MigratED project. Currently, other main areas of interest are immersive media, interactive media, media literacy, audience development for museums, digital heritage, sustainable and creative tourism. Celia Quico teaches in the Cinema and Communication Sciences graduate courses, master degree course KinoEyes and also PhD courses Communications Sciences and Media Arts.
Before, Celia joined the team of the international projects ReThink – Before Act: Alternative Narratives to Violent Extremism (EU-ISFP, 2018-2020), MigratED ¿Migrations and human rights enhanced through technology in Education¿ (Erasmus +, 2018-2020), ResponSEAble ¿Supporting the development of cost-effective ocean literacy in Europe¿ (H2020, 2015-2018), In_Nova MusEUm – “Museums comes back to the locals through art and food¿ (2016-2018), funded by EU. Also, she coordinated and co-authored the research project ADOPT_DTV: Barriers to digital television adoption in the context of the digital switchover, and iDTV-SAÚDE: iDTV-HEALTH: “Inclusive services to promote health and well-being via interactive digital television” (UTA-Est/MAI/0012/2009), both financed by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT).
In 2008, Celia Quico obtained her PhD in Communication Sciences, in the area of Interactive and Audiovisual Media, by Universidade Nova de Lisboa, with a thesis about young people and their usage of media and information and communication technologies in the current media convergence context in Portugal.
Previously, Celia worked as a project manager in the areas of IDTV and multimedia for the largest pay-TV operator in Portugal ZON TV Cabo, from November 2000 until February 2009. As a project manager in TV Cabo, she collaborated as a consultant for Portugal Telecom corporate social responsibility initiative PT Escolas, which promoted digital literacy among Portuguese young people.
2008: . PhD in Communication Sciences. Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Portugal.
2000: Master’s Degree. Interactive and Audiovisual Media. Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Portugal.
1995: Bachelor’s Degree. Communication Sciences. Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Portugal.