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Conceição Costa

Media Society and Literacies

Media Studies | Children & Youth | Game-Based Learning | Media Literacy | Digital Culture

Conceição Costa is a PhD in Communication Sciences – Media Studies from FCSH-Universidade Nova de Lisboa. She holds a Master of Arts in Business Communication and Public Relations from the European University – equivalence to master’s degree in Multimedia Communication (ULHT) and a Certified Usability Analyst from Human Factors International (USA).

She is an Associate Professor and Researcher at the School of Communication Studies, Arts and Information Technologies of Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias (UHLT) in Lisbon, Portugal.

She is a lecturer at ECATI, teaching curricular units in  Communication and Technology namely: Human-Computer Interaction (Informatics Engineering bachelor degree); UX for Videogames (Videogames bachelor degree); Media and Education in the Master of Teaching Visual Arts for the 3rd cycle of Basic and Secondary School; Marketing and Advertising (Cinema, Video and Mulimedia Communication bachelor degree); Marketing in Information and Communication Technologies (MEISI – Master in Informatics Engineering and Information Sciences) and Interaction Design (NEMPS – Novos Media e Sistemas Ubíquos). She has been a member of the COST Action ISO906 (2010-2014) and has been involved in several European publications about media literacy.


2013: PhD in Communication Sciences, Media Studies. FCSH – Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Portugal

2006: Master’s Degree. Multimedia Communication Systems. Universidade Lusófona, Lisboa. Portugal

2005: Postgraduate Degree in Master of arts in Bussiness Communication and Public Relations. European University. Portugal

1987: Bachelor’s Degree Chemical Engineering. Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade de Coimbra. Portugal