II MeLCi Lab Autumn School – Call for Participants

The Media Literacy and Civic Cultures (MeLCi Lab) Autumn School “Media, gender, intersectionality and mediated social mobilizations”, to be held 15th to 18th November 2022, aims to introduce PhD students to current discussions in the field, as well capacitate PhD students with a set of hands-on research skills that help them in their projects, supporting their professional development.
By adopting an integrative and multidisciplinary approach, the school will bring together several scholars for a set of workshops and communications to foster research skills related to scientific writing, dissemination, funding applications, and innovative methodologies. We will address topics about media representations of gender and sexualities, mediated activisms, civic mobilisations, ethics, etc.
MeLCi Lab Autumn School intends to be an inclusive space, and three equity grants will be available for students from underrepresented communities.
MeLCi Lab is currently looking for proposals of PhD students who want to apply for the Autumn School. These applications can be submitted until the 16th of September.
Applicants should submit their Curriculum Vitae (including scientific publications and activities), a motivation letter, a thesis summary, research questions, and methodologies.
Please email your proposal to melci.lab@ulusofona.pt