III MelCi Lab Autumn School – “Science Bootcamp to Boost Your Research Hands-On Skills”

Short description
The Media Literacy and Civic Cultures Lab – MeLCi Lab (Lusófona University, CICANT) Autumn School is organising its third Autumn School on 7-10 November 2023 in the form of a bootcamp to boost research hands-on skills. The school is designed to provide PhD students and postdocs with practical knowledge of classical and cutting-edge research methods. To this end, the school embraces an interdisciplinary approach by welcoming debate from different theories and methodological integration (qualitative and quantitative). The School will bring together a group of international scholars for workshops and keynotes. Topics covered will include,
1. digital citizenship,
2. civic cultures and social networks,
3. linking big and small data methods,
4. civic cultures and artificial intelligence,
5. civic cultures and algorithmic mediation,
6. media literacy,
7. arts-based research,
8. datafication,
9. ethics research.
The School is committed to creating an inclusive space that welcomes students from underrepresented communities. One equity grant will be available to ensure the program is accessible to all who wish to participate. By adopting an integrative and multidisciplinary approach, the MeLCi Lab Autumn School is well-positioned to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of research methodologies related to scientific writing and innovative approaches.
The school will be held in English.
Call for proposals deadline
Deadline 22nd of September 2023
See details about how to submit a proposal at the bottom of this page.
1. Communicating Research: Writing, Filming, Disseminating
1.1 Scientific writing (specifically for the school themes)
1.2 Innovative approaches to science communication
2. Innovative Methodologies
2.1 Linking big and small data methods
2.2 Arts-based research and civic participation
2.3. Qualitative and participatory research
2.4. Social Platforms for Research
1. Participation and Digital Citizenship
2. Participation in the Datafied Society
3. Artificial intelligence, and algorithmic mediation
4. Intersectionality and Activism(s)
5. Ethics in research
7th – 10th November – III MeLCi Lab Autumn School
III MeLCi Lab Autumn School Schedule
TIME (Lisbon time zone) |
07/11/2023 |
08/11/2023 |
09/11/2023 |
10/11/2023 |
9h00 – 10h45 |
WorkshopFrom Feeds to Findings:
WorkshopHow to reach audiences?Célia Quico |
WorkshopPRISMACarla Sousa
10h45 – 11h00 |
Break |
Break |
Break |
Break |
11h00 – 12h45 |
WorkshopFrom Feeds to Findings:
WorkshopComputacional grounded theoryManuel Pita |
WorkshopHow to reach audiences?Célia Quico |
12h45 – 14h00 |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Closing session |
14h00 – 15h45 |
Welcome session KeynoteStefania Milan |
KeynoteData Is People: Research Ethics Beyond the Human SubjectCasey Fiesler |
Keynote‘Repertoires’ as a lens for understanding cross-media (news) landscapesKim Christian Schrøder |
15h45 – 16h00 |
Break |
Break |
Break |
16h00 – 18h00 |
WorkshopScientific WritingRita Grácio |
KeynoteAnti-Ableist Research: Ethical, Legal, and Social ImplicationsKatherine E. McDonald |
Tutoring sessions |
Interested graduate students and postdocs must send (in English) their application by 22nd September 2023, including,
1. Updated Curriculum Vitae (máx. 4 pages)
2. Candidate’s research statement that includes a description of their doctoral dissertation, research questions and methods (máx. 4 pages)
3. Motivation letter specifying what you bring and expect from the school (indicating explicitly what themes and sub-themes are of your particular interest) máx. 2 pagesSend your application as a ZIP file to melci.lab@ulusofona.pt with subject “Application for the III MelCi Lab Autumn School”
Call for Proposals Deadline: 22 September 2023
PhD Students
Early Career Researchers (with PhD obtained in the last three years)
Maximum number of participants
20 students
Fee *
Lusófona University, CICANT PhD Students 70 euros
PhD students from other Institutions 100 euros
Other 150 euros
*The best participant will not pay the fee; one Equity Scholarship to support the fee will also be awarded (more details to be published soon)
Keynote Speakers
Ana Marta Flores, ICNOVA/University of Coimbra
Casey Fiesler, University of Colorado Boulder
Katherine E. McDonald, Syracuse University
Kim Christian Schrøder, Roskilde University
Stefania Milan, University of Amsterdam
Ana Jorge Profile | CienciaVitae | ORCID
Carla Cerqueira Profile | CienciaVitae | ORCID
Carla Sousa Profile | CienciaVitae | ORCID
Célia Quico Profile | CienciaVitae | ORCID
Célia Taborda Profile | CienciaVitae | ORCID
Daniel Cardoso Profile | CienciaVitae | ORCID
Manuel Marques-Pita Profile | CienciaVitae | ORCID
Maria José Brites Profile | CienciaVitae | ORCID
Rita Grácio Profile | CienciaVitae | ORCID
Sofia Caldeira Profile | CienciaVitae | ORCID
Sónia Lamy Profile | CienciaVitae | ORCID
Teresa Sofia Castro Profile I Ciência Vitae I ORCID
Vanessa Rodrigues Profile | CienciaVitae | ORCID
Carla Cerqueira
Carla Sousa
Célia Quico
Célia Taborda
Maria José Brites
Manuel Marques-Pita
Teresa Sofia Castro